Home>Products>Super Precision Angular Contact Bearings>7026CD/P4ADGA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle
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7026CD/P4ADGA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle
Super Precision Angular Contact Bearings
Find 560 N Preload class D GD the discount 199 N/µm Static axial stiffness, preload class D 7026CD/P4ADGA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle online you need . We offer ... If you check out our large selection of 7026CD/P4ADGA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle TIMKEN BEARINGS(UK)LTD. once .
- 560 N
- 115 N/µm
- 199 N/µm
- 1
- 0.98
- 0.34 kN
- 0.87
- 12 mm
TIMKEN BEARINGS(UK)LTD.2020-07-10 09:46:19
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7026CD/P4ADGA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle Specifications
- 560 N
- 115 N/µm
- 199 N/µm
- 1
- 0.98
- 0.34 kN
- 0.87
- 12 mm
- 43.2 mm
- 21
- 89 N/µm
- 0.3 mm
- 1.04
- 151 N/µm
- 1.41
- 280 N
- 60.6 mm
- 0.92
- 8 kN
- 1
SKF 7026CD/P4ADGA Super Precision Angular Contact Bearings Product Description
No. | Brand | b | S | D | d | B | A | F | K |
7224CDGA/P4A | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
71928CD/P4ATBTA | SKF | - | - | 2.75 Inch | 69.85 Millimeter | 1.438 Inch | 36.525 Millimeter | - | - | - | - |
71930ACD/P4ATBTA | SKF | - | - | 215 mm | 100 mm | 73 mm | - | - | - |
7003CE/HCP4A | SKF | 10 mm | - | 150 mm | - | - | - | - | 8 mm |
7002CE/P4A | SKF | 11.1 mm | - | 250 mm | - | 68 mm | - | - | 6 mm |
7022CD/P4ADGA | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
71940CDGB/P4A | SKF | - | - | 125 mm | 70 mm | - | - | - | - |
7022ACDGB/P4A | SKF | - | 4.763 mm | - | - | - | - | - | - |
71922CD/P4AQBCA | SKF | - | - | 72.0000 mm | 35.000 mm | 30.20 mm | - | - | - |
BTW110CTN9/SP | SKF | - | - | 47.0000 mm | 17.000 mm | 14.00 mm | - | - | - |
71924CD/P4ADGA | SKF | - | - | - | 220 mm | 32.004 mm | - | - | - |
71936ACDGB/P4A | SKF | 11 mm | - | 196.85 mm | 114.3 mm | - | - | - | - |
7001ACEGB/HCP4A | SKF | - | - | 20 mm | 14 mm | 20 mm | - | - | - |
7028ACD/P4ADGB | SKF | - | - | - | 35 mm | - | - | - | - |
71828CD/P4DGB | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
71830CDGB/P4 | SKF | - | 4.763 mm | - | - | - | - | - | - |
7002CE/HCP4ADGB | SKF | - | - | 110.0000 mm | 50.000 mm | 27.00 mm | - | - | - |
71921CD/P4ADGB | SKF | - | - | - | 50 mm | 35 mm | - | - | - |
7224ACD/P4ADGA | SKF | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
71822ACDGB/P4 | SKF | - | - | 590 mm | 450 mm | 300 mm | - | 490 mm | 6 mm |
7024ACD/P4ADGB SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,25 Degree Contact Angle | Mass bushing:4.66 kg; B:80 mm; Tolerance shaft:e7; B1:10 mm; d:200 mm; D:220 mm; Permissible sliding velocity v max.:0.5 m/s; D1:235 mm; h:202.5 mm; Coefficient of friction µ max.:0.15; Coefficient of friction µ min.:0.08; Specific dynamic load factor K:25 N/mm²; Specific static load factor K0:45 N/mm²; Tolerance housing:H7; Permissible sliding velocity v min.:0 m/s; α:124 °; |
7001CEGA/HCP4A SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | Taconite seal:TER 45; PG:1/8 NPT; P120°:21.8 kN; J max.:279.4 mm; R1:53.181 mm; A2:209.55 mm; Mass pillow block:16.8 kg; Ca:42.799 mm; R2:21.431 mm; P180°:23.1 kN; RG:3/8 NPT; P90°:36 kN; End plug (suffix Y):EPR 8; Appropriate attachment bolt size G:0.625 in; J1:53.975 mm; H2:31.75 mm; da:69.85 mm; Da:140 mm; Housing:FSAF 516; h:33.337 mm; |
BTW180CM/SP SKF Brands,All Brands,SKF,Super Precision Angular Contact Thrust,BTW | G:Tr 670x6; G2:G 1/4; G1:40 mm; B2:356 mm; d:630 mm; B1:330 mm; Mass withdrawal sleeve:101 kg; Hydraulic nut:HMV 134 E; A:9 mm; d1:600 mm; |
7024ACD/P4AQBCA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,25 Degree Contact Angle | Eye bolt:2 x 3/8-16 UNC; L:419.1 mm; P120°:94.3 kN; P60°:249 kN; H:257.175 mm; Bearing limiting speed:3800 r/min; P90°:149 kN; H2:53.975 mm; S:4.763 mm; PG:1/4 NPT; h:46.831 mm; A1:120.65 mm; RG:1/2 NPT; R1:79.375 mm; Da:215.001 mm; Cap bolt:5/8-11 UNC; da:107.95 mm; End plug (suffix Y):EPR 14; Labyrinth ring:2 x LOR 114; P180°:107 kN; |
71926CD/P4ADGA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,71900 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | Calculation factor Y0:0.52; d:150 mm; d2 ≈:183.85 mm; Db max.:311 mm; da min.:167 mm; Calculation factor Y2:0.57; B:65 mm; Limiting speed:2800 r/min; ra max.:3 mm; Calculation factor Y1:0.55; r3,4 min.:1.5 mm; Basic dynamic load rating C:332 kN; Calculation factor e:1.14; d1 ≈:216.1 mm; Basic static load rating C0:390 kN; Reference speed:2400 r/min; Calculation factor X:0.57; Da max.:303 mm; |
71821CD/P4DGA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,71800 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | Oil Speed Rating n2:10000 rpm; D:80.0000 mm; Sealed Speed Rating n3:6000 rpm; Fillet Radius ra:1.50 mm; Accessories:Two Seals; B:21.00 mm; Basic Dynamic Radial Load Rating C:33200 N; Basic Static Radial Load Rating Co:19000 N; Grease Speed Rating n1:8500 rpm; d:35.000 mm; Oil Speed Rating Open/Shielded n2:10000 rpm; Grease Speed Rating Open/Shielded n1:8500 rpm; |
71822CD/P4DGB SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,71800 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | Fillet Radius ra:2.00 mm; D:420.0000 mm; Sealed Speed Rating n3:0 rpm; B:38.00 mm; Basic Static Radial Load Rating Co:255000 N; Grease Speed Rating Open/Shielded n1:1200 rpm; Accessories:One Seal; Oil Speed Rating Open/Shielded n2:1500 rpm; Basic Dynamic Radial Load Rating C:178000 N; d:340.000 mm; |
7003ACD/HCP4ADGA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,25 Degree Contact Angle | Basic static load rating C0:22000 kN; Mass bearing:465 kg; Calculation factor kr:640; Basic dynamic load rating C:8250 kN; Fatigue load limit Pu:1800 kN; D1 ≈:612 mm; C:450 mm; r1,2 min.:12.5 mm; B:480.5 mm; d:500 mm; r3,4 min.:5 mm; D:670 mm; K:9 mm; F:540 mm; Design variant/feature:BC4.20/W33GWI; b:16.7 mm; α:20 °; |
71830ACDGB/P4 SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,71800 Series,25 Degree Contact Angle | D:80.0000 mm; Basic Dynamic Radial Load Rating C:52700 N; Oil Speed Rating n2:7500 rpm; d:40.000 mm; B:36.00 mm; Grease Speed Rating n1:5600 rpm; Fillet Radius ra:1.00 mm; Fillet Radius rb:0.60 mm; Basic Static Radial Load Rating Co:45000 N; |
71822ACDGB/P4 SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,71800 Series,25 Degree Contact Angle | r1,2 min.:12 mm; α:45 °; D:590 mm; Basic static load rating C0:12000 kN; d:450 mm; Mass bearing:245 kg; r3,4 min.:4 mm; Design variant/feature:BC4.5/W20; F:490 mm; D1 ≈:528 mm; Basic dynamic load rating C:3910 kN; K:6 mm; Fatigue load limit Pu:1020 kN; Calculation factor kr:440; C:300 mm; B:300 mm; |
7000CD/P4A SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | d:130 mm; B:140 mm; Coefficient of friction µ max.:0.15; Tolerance housing:H7; a:7 mm; Permissible sliding velocity v max.:0.5 m/s; h:131.5 mm; Coefficient of friction µ min.:0.08; Specific dynamic load factor K:25 N/mm²; D:150 mm; Permissible sliding velocity v min.:0 m/s; α:124 °; Tolerance shaft:e7; Mass bushing:5.4 kg; Specific static load factor K0:45 N/mm²; |
71928ACD/P4ADGA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,71900 Series,25 Degree Contact Angle | P180°:42.3 kN; P90°:60.9 kN; P120°:38.3 kN; R2:27.781 mm; End plug (suffix Y):EPR 11; L:349.25 mm; H1:101.6 mm; PosiTrac Plus contact element:2 x B10724-188; Initial grease fill:141.75 g; H2:41.275 mm; Pa:10.9 kN; RG:3/8 NPT; PG:1/8 NPT; Housing:FSAF 518; P150°:34.7 kN; J1:53.975 mm; J min.:263.525 mm; Mass pillow block:22.4 kg; Cap bolt, SAE grade:5; ba:40.481 mm; |
7222CD/P4ADGA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7200 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle | Comparative axial load rating CFa:225 kN; Basic static load rating C0:5000 kN; Calculation factor e:0.4; Calculation factor Y0:1.6; D1 ≈:454 mm; Basic dynamic load rating C:2393 kN; r1,2 min.:3.3 mm; d:330.2 mm; Design variant/feature:TDO/D; a:184 mm; Thrust factor K:1.49; Fatigue load limit Pu:415 kN; d1 ≈:401 mm; Calculation factor Y2:2.5; T:177.8 mm; C:127 mm; Comparative radial load rating CF:585 kN; |
71928ACDGA/P4A SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,71900 Series,25 Degree Contact Angle | Grease Speed Rating Open/Shielded n1:6000 rpm; Fillet Radius ra:2.00 mm; d:45.000 mm; Oil Speed Rating Open/Shielded n2:7000 rpm; Basic Static Radial Load Rating Co:45000 N; B:29.00 mm; D:120.0000 mm; Basic Dynamic Radial Load Rating C:76100 N; Accessories:Two Shields & Snap-R; Sealed Speed Rating n3:4000 rpm; |
7026CD/P4ADGA SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7000 Series,15 Degree Contact Angle Video
Super Precision Angular Contact Bearings Part series 7026CD/P4ADGA is a potential replacement for these common bearing part numbers:
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- Super Precision Angular Contact Bearings
- Super Precision Bearings
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